Monday, February 22, 2010

Beck is A Progressive?!? A Letter To Alex Jones

Alex Jones has articles on his websites that claim Glenn Beck is a Progressive, he believes in Man Made Global Warming, and loads of other crap.  This letter is meant for him, even if he will never see it.


Dear Mr. Jones,

I have recently seen numerous articles on and in which you refer to Glenn Beck as a Progressive.  You call him a Neo-Con.  You also claim that he has admitted to believing in man-made global warming.  I can not accept that a man as smart as you actually believes all of this.

Now, Alex, I really don't care if you like the guy or not, but damn, stop being so public with your jealousy!  I know, I know, he is now making millions of dollars with the SAME information that you have been failing to make serious money with for years.  But look at it this way.  At least the message is getting out.

I agree with some of what you have to say (don't believe in gov. involvement with 9/11, vaccine problems, a few others), and I feel that the word needs to be spread no matter who is spreading it.  Do you only want to improve our country if YOU are the one in charge?  If so, run for office.  That is the best way to get something accomplished.  I would love to do so, but there are WAY too many problems in my past that can be brought up to make me appear unelectable.  You, on the other hand, are known for being controversial.  You most likely wouldn't have to worry about the situations that I would encounter.  But, I digress.....

You really do yourself a disservice by concocting these wild stories about people with a much bigger audience than you.   More people watch/ listen to Beck, so alienating his audience is the EXACT opposite of what you should be doing.

Stop worrying about made up, crazy stories, and start attacking the people that need to be attacked (i.e. true Progressives).  Our country is being destroyed by many, many forces, so stop wasting your time on jealousy, and get to the REAL work that needs to be done.

Michael Hynson

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